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A person may become a member of First Baptist Church of Dayton in one of the following ways:
Persons joining First Baptist Church from other denominations are not obligated to be baptized by immersion. First Baptist Church accepts the baptism of all Christian churches. However, a candidate for membership from another Christian church may choose to be baptized by immersion.
Beyond individual professions of faith, those joining First Baptist enter into a Covenant with God and the church. Our covenant serves as a guide for our life together, and reminds us of our purpose and identity.
God is the Creator of all things and has given us the person of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, our Savior, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and the promise of life everlasting. By grace, God offers us forgiveness and unconditional love.
We have been called together as the First Baptist Church of Dayton to do the will of God and to walk together in Jesus’ way. Endeavoring to be faithful to Scripture, the leading of the Holy Spirit, the Baptist witness, and the Christian tradition, we covenant with God and with one another:
To allow God to be the center of our community through the practices of study, prayer, and ethical discipline;
To support our church faithfully through attendance and sacrificial giving of our energy, our money, and our time;
To become a welcoming, open, and inclusive community through extending Christian hospitality to all seeking persons;
To demonstrate Christian love and concern through remembering one another in prayer, reconciling our differences, and respecting diversity of belief as together we mature in Christian faith;
To call all people to Jesus Christ through sharing the gospel, demonstrating Christian compassion, and working for unity, justice, and peace in our unique places of ministry in our congregation, our region, and our world.
In these ways we shall strive to be steadfast and joyful Christians continually seeking to understand and proclaim God’s unfolding Word.
First Baptist Church
111 West Monument Avenue
Dayton, Ohio 45402
Phone: (937) 222-4691
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