Children + Youth

“Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs. Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.”

Children and youth of all ages at First Baptist are welcomed and loved as disciples and teachers among us. There is an abiding sense of mutuality in our ministry to and with children and youth; for even as our adults teach and nurture our children and youth in their Christian faith, they do so with an openness to the insights and understandings of our youngsters.

     And so, our children and youth join the whole church in being taught and nurtured in Christian faith through worship, Bible study, service and fellowship. Our children and youth regularly lead us in worship, lighting candles as acolytes, reading scripture and offering prayers as lay-leaders, singing as our Cherub Choir, and giving/receiving the Children’s Message as only children can. Together in Sunday school we use a diverse curriculum to study the Bible and engage its stories, nurturing hearts and minds for faith in God. We join the rest of the church in putting our faith into practice in local and out-of-state service/mission projects.

     An essential part of all that we do is time spent together, which is especially true for our Jr. and Sr. High youth. Therefore, we have Baptist Youth Fellowship groups that gather on a regular basis for food, silliness, games, movies, Bible study, and service/missions. At the heart of our ministry to and with children and youth is a relationship to God and one another that is genuine, compassionate, and alive.

Rev. Jason Alspaugh is our Associate Pastor for Children and Youth.  For more information on our ministries with children and youth please contact him through the church office at (937) 222-4691 ext. 406.

Children’s Sunday School

Children’s Sunday school is held during worship, following the Children’s Message.  Children (grades preK-5) will be led down to their classrooms by their teachers. Parents should pick up their child(ren) shortly after morning worship.

The Beatitudes

Virtual Kids Christian Education (preK-5)
Wednesdays at 5:30-6pm via Zoom
Email Pastor Jason for meeting info

Baptist Youth Fellowship (BYF)

Our youth ministry continues with online and occasional in-person gatherings outside of Sunday mornings in our Baptist Youth Fellowship. Youth gather to check-in, encourage one another, study Scripture, pray, and, of course, have some fun together. Email Pastor Jason for meeting info

Children’s Music & Activities

Sunday Mornings @ 11:30am-12:15pm Room 3A (Lower Level) While parents and youth are in their Sunday school classes, we have supervised music & activities for kids in grades preK-5.  Parents are asked to pick up their kids shortly after their own classes conclude.

For more information regarding Christian Education at First Baptist please contact Rev. Jason Alspaugh at or Diane Charron (Chair, Board of Christian Education).

When you come to First Baptist Church you will find an open table.
All are welcome; none are excluded.

Contact Us

First Baptist Church
111 West Monument Avenue
Dayton, Ohio 45402
Phone: (937) 222-4691

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